Premium sponsor
Pegasus Logo1    
Gold Sponsor
Untitled 1     
Silver Sponsor
ASM Logo2022 RGB Diap OnPurple DockweilerChemicals Logo mit Claim schwarz   EURIS 2020
Bronze Sponsor    
EpiValence logo  VIG2020 Group Logo RGB JPGx2  
 main hiden logo burgundy  Logo Annealsys  Logo SEMCO
 semilab logo rgb transparent background  MicrosoftTeams image 15  


 Do you want to add your company logo here? We have different formulas to give more exposure to your company/product.
Contact us This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



The following page detail the options for sponsoring the EUROCVD / Baltic ALD conference.TheEUROCVD / Baltic ALD conferencewill
provide sponsors and exhibitors with access and exposure to delegates who are active in the field of chemical vapor deposition techniques.
Sponsorship will enable companies to demonstrate their support and commitment to education and research in this field, and to demonstrate the
newest techniques.We understand that the packages below may not necessarily meet each company’s individual requirements.
We are happy to consider additional sponsorship opportunities to meet specific marketing objectives.
Please contact the organizers to discuss tailored packages –This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 Gold Sponsor 
On the homepage of our website with a link to the Sponsor's website▪In the programme book (electronic version)▪Featured on all outgoing e-mail correspondence oVisibility in other communication:▪Ad in the conference programme (1 full page –electronic and printed version)▪Acknowledgement in the opening and the closing ceremony▪Acknowledgement as Sponsor in the slides shown during breaksoInserts in conference bag:▪Flyer insert in the conference bag (3 A4 pages –flyer to be delivered by the company)▪Gadget or goodie of your choice in the conference bag (goodies to be delivered by the company)oExhibition space: 4m² (we provide the space for your booth, a table, two chairs, electricity and Wi-Fi)including placement of roll-up banner at the venueoAssociation of the sponsor's name to one price (Best poster or best oral presentation)oTwo free full registrations (including social events)
Visibility with logo:▪On the homepage of our website with a link to the Sponsor's website▪In the programme book (electronicversion)▪Featured on all outgoing e-mail correspondence oVisibility in other communication:▪Ad in the conference programme (1 full page –electronic and printed version)▪Acknowledgement in the opening and the closing ceremony▪Acknowledgement as Sponsor in the slides shown during breaksoInserts in conference bag:▪Flyer insert in the conference bag (3 A4 pages –flyer to be delivered by the company)oExhibition space: 2m² (we provide the space for your booth, a table, two chairs, electricity and Wi-Fi) including placement of roll-up banner at the venueoOnefree full registration (including social events)
On the homepage of our website with a link to the Sponsor's website▪In the programme book (electronic version)▪Featured on all outgoing e-mail correspondence oVisibility in other communication:▪Acknowledgement as Sponsor in the slides shown during breaksoInserts in conference bag:▪Flyer insert in the conference bag (3 A4 pages –flyer to be delivered by the company)oPlacement of roll-up banner at the venue
Dedicated item
If you wish to sponsor a specific dedicated item, please contact us personally. Some examples:▪Specific conference bag inserts▪Coffee break▪Social activity